Select the correct answer:

1. Choose the correct answer and complete the following sentence:
The twelve peach trees broke out into delicate blossoms of ________

2. It is twice blessed.
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes
These are the words of ________

3. Mother Teresa won the Nobel Prize for peace in

4. 'Yes; quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down'
What is the meaning of the phrase 'quaint and curious war' is

5. In 'The Model Millionaire' the servant brought Hughie a card when he was at

6. If you can force your heart and nerve and Sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone.
Find out the meaning for a underlined word from the options given below:

7. He did not hate the ________ now, for he knew that it was merely the spring as sleep.
In 'The Selfish Giant' which season is considered by the giant as 'spring asleep'.

8. Till the gossamer thread you Fling Catch somewhere, O my soul,
What Figure of speech can you find in the underlined part of the above line

9. In which poem do you find the following line?
'It isn't by size that you win or you Fail'

10. Identify the statement which is not expressed by Dr. Karl Paulnack in his essay
'Music The Hope Raiser'